Sunday, December 7, 2008

Let's just do it!

It's a long time , everyone.It sure comes home with a hit now.It's still on our funny economy.We spotted it right with a bull.It's now down, down, down,and it's still carrying the momentum though at differring rate around the world. Some may beg to differ but it's no doubt our klsc could still hold on to 850 points. Let's wait to see how long it can possibly hold on not below 700 points.It's a fun game.A lot might wonder how could we fetch up good bargain right away. I'd say go ahead and make sure your do your homework.Perhaps i could throw some good advice but please view them with cautiuos and inquisitive mind.

It's always easier to believe rumours that any such XYZ stocks do promise certain amount of quick bucks , not to mention that such spread of 'fortune-telling' could possibly be from the mouth of the owner of these stocks , there are some from the so-called analysts who are paid professional 'fortune tellers' spreading like wild fire in the forest. Trust me it's much better to sense it with your own gut feeling followed by some basics of the game.

Personally i do perform fundamental analysis on certain stocks which gives me a buffer or a factor of safety if what are told by technical analysis going the opposite direction. Fundamental analysis does tell us the degree of how solid the stock is but it's not always recognised by the institutiona playersl or hedge fund.That is why the technical analysis play the part. So , please do buck up yourself on the two's if you are serious to dive into the market