Tuesday, January 13, 2009

How the Big Guns do it ?

Let's talk about the game now played on the KLSE screenboard. Have the novice or the retail players like me ever pondered some tricks played by the institutional player like EPF?It could be fun when you read not the screen but the movement placed by the force of the volume.I noticed it when i found out there were sell and buy transaction for the same stock for the same day.It happened like this. You can tell the difference when you spot that one large volume which is few folds more than any other volume intraday placed at price lower than the current price for one particular stock,normally blue chips.It is the support to prevent any sudden fall in price caused by sellers. When the bull ( which might be temporary) happens at one particular day, this big gun starts selling but would buy up the same stocks if if the price falls to that supportive level to prevent sudden fall in price.

When you happen to encounter one ,please welcome it for it might be your fortune if you have bought in that stocks during the bear period.