Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Financial crisis!

Financial crisis? Do we really have one now , globally ? We could have different views whether we do feel it or just by hear-say. RS hopes the this blog could create a platform for everyone to have a say of their views.

Opening up any local mainstream newspaper today we could find some fractions ,though not full, of what's happening in the US economy particularly and the world in general- firstly the subprime mortgage crisis , the oil and food crisis and finally the financial systems crisis.In fact when i start asking myself what those really mean to me and how they could practically affect my life, perhaps it's just matter of time before things start creating ripples.

Thanks to some local enthusiasts who really go behind the scene to unveil what is actually happening to the global economy, Malaysia in particular.If what have been claimed to be imminent are not mere folklore, are we all well-prepared for ? how should we get all armed for our family?


pierre said...

hi,RS.It's a bit scared. we do feel the effect subsequent to all price increases of most commodities.I think it's time for thinner spending.Besides , i can't think of anything else we could do.If financial systems breakdown in US as claimed to be real is not politically motivated, then things are not that bad as yet.Most likely, this could turn for the good if things in US bottom out.

---***RS***---- said...

hi pierre.. thks for your comment.World richest man said today that US is in recession now, as referring to !The effect from credit crunch and mortgage crisis is being felt more real than ever.Please allow me to say that the wave from the tsunami is making its way from the west to the east..Take shelter now!