Thursday, June 19, 2008


Fuel price hike warning calls! Though it has been promised by the government that no petrol price increases for this year ,alas it went up with no mercy to rm 2.70 per litre-broke the Malaysian Guiness's Record for the biggest leap in rate ever.It has in fact affected every part and parcel of its citizen, more true to those struggling in any attempt to make ends meet.What can the normal citizen do but to accept what's been decided.Rm625 rebate could sustain us in no more than few trips to Kedah from KL.But that was played to temporarily silent the critics and furious 'Mr./Mrs.Malaysian Boleh'-just counting down how much longer we 'boleh'in the face of the alleged and proved inflation clouding every Malaysian.Start tighten up the taps or source for more taps now all fellow Malaysians. We are indeed in recession now or much better be termed stagflation-price increases for most items but are rarely in demand due to less confidence or reduced purchasing power. Consequently, retailers are forced to either reduce prices and reluctantly accept deflated profit or to reduce production. The latter tends to worsen unemplyment rate in the country. Squeese your every cent and dollar to its worth!

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